
Thank You Lisa · 7 March 2013

I know I have already thanked my wife for changing the way she cooks and for putting up with me, but I need to thank her again. And again.

Thank you, Lisa.

One of the reasons I need to thank my wonderful wife (a.k.a. The Mindboggling Mrs. Miyoshi) is to be an example. Our school is having a day promoting people writing thank you letters to others. One of my most faithful readers is the spearhead of this operation and I want to support him. Even so, the sentiment is heartfelt. My wife is great and I am sure I do not thank her enough for all she does for me.

Thank you, Lisa.

The other reason I need to thank my beautiful bride is because of feedback she has been getting from others. Apparently, some of the women she knows would be awfully put out having to do what my wife does. They feel indignation at what I have done to our household with my eating requirements. They are right, of course. And at times I have felt my wife’s displeasure at the whole situation. For we now have a household of picky eaters. And she is accommodating everybody. With grace and aplomb. Despite and contrary to the comments of her friends.

Thank you, Lisa.

In my own defense, I do volunteer to help and I do make small contributions to the meals now and then. But when it comes right down to it, my wife has put up with a lot of culinary changes over the years. She is truly amazing.

Thank you, Lisa.

I did not really need the prompt from our student body or the feedback from my wife’s friends to thank my wife for putting up with me. I have done so in person and on the internet many times. Still, it is apropos to do so now.

Thank you, Lisa. For being a wonderful wife. An accommodating cook. And of course, for just putting up with me.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Lisa.

© 2013 Michael T. Miyoshi

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