Run and Pray · 17 April 2013
After hearing the horrific news, I was selfishly glad that my friend ran the Boston Marathon last year and not this year.
We are all saddened when we hear of tragedies. We get upset, mad, frustrated, and confused when those tragedies are done to others on purpose. But we cannot live in fear. We must press on. We must even continue to run.
As we run, perhaps we can pray. Pray for those families most affected by the horrors of the day. Pray for those who ran or watched in Boston. Pray for justice. Even pray for our enemies that they might come to know God, who weeps every time we do something hateful to our neighbors.
I cannot do much about what has happened in Boston. But I can pray. And as selfish as it seems, I can be thankful that my friend ran the Boston Marathon last year and not this year.
© 2013 Michael T. Miyoshi
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