
My Own Eulogy · 21 September 2000

When I’m dead
And when I’m gone
     Don’t shed a tear for me.
For I’ve gone home
To live with God
     For all eternity.

I’ve lived my life
And now it’s done
     And no regrets have I.
To those I’ve loved
Friends and family
     I write this short good-bye.

I tried to bring you
Great joy in life
     Remember the good times we had
Remember the laughter
And laugh again now
     This isn’t a time to be sad.

Don’t fret, don’t frown
We’ll meet again
     Beyond heaven’s pearly gate
We’ll have much fun
When you get there
     Now, I can hardly wait

So laugh, have fun
Be full of joy
     Have a celebration
Rejoice my friends
And remember me
     With words of adoration.

So good-bye for now
Friends and family
     We’ll meet again, it’s true!
So until then
When we meet in His house
     Shalom, God’s peace be with you.

© 2000 Michael T. Miyoshi

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From Musings of a Mediocre Man published September 2000.


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